This is Android specific problem in react native app.
To be more precise, this issue can be produced on Samsumg S6 Edge, Pixel 2 etc. and it works with other Android phones.
I have a webview (which plays video) wrapped under Touchable as shown below:
<TouchableOpacity style={{ width: deviceWidth, height: 225 }} onPress={() => { console.log("It works or not?") }}><View onStartShouldSetResponder={() => true} style={styles.newsVideo}><WebView ref="videoView" scalesPageToFit={true} javaScriptEnabled={true} allowsInlineMediaPlayback={true} source={{uri: item.node.newsUrl +'&fs=1'}} /></View></TouchableOpacity>
When I click on webview, it wont recognize touch at all.
If I remove TouchableWithoutFeedback, it works jut fine.
I need to have touchable to get some data on its onPress event when clicked on webview.
Here is style for - styles.newsVideo
newsVideo: { overflow: 'hidden', alignSelf: 'center', width: deviceWidth, height: 225, borderRadius: 0, marginTop: 0, borderColor: 'transparent',},
I have tried props like onStartShouldSetResponder, pointerEvents as suggested on other posts. none them is working for me. Really appreciate someone's help here. Thanks